My vaccination record is incorrect. How do I get it corrected?
My vaccination record is incorrect. How do I get it corrected?
To request a correction to your record including a name change or correction to vaccination dates, please visit the New Hampshire Department of Health and Human Services website and complete the "Correction to Immunization/Vaccination Record" form in your language. Use the open box provided on the form to list specific corrections needed.
The form and copies of supporting documents should be mailed to 29 Hazen Drive, Concord, NH 03301 or send via secured fax to (603) 696-3266. If you need further assistance on COVID-19 vaccine documentation, please call (603) 271-0301.
Supporting Documents
- Proof of Identity (for all requests): copy of your photo ID card including passport, state ID card or Driver License
- Other supporting documents depending on correction needed:
- If you are requesting to correct your vaccination (Send copies only): CDC Vaccination card, Official record from provider/pharmacy containing vaccine lot #, Administration date, clinic location or address, recipient full name and DOB.
- If you are requesting to change your legal name (Send copies only): Legal Court documentation or divorce decree or marriage certificate
- If you are requesting for your child’s record correction (Send copies only): Birth Certificate or Guardianship document